There are two, and only two, types of travelers: those who check bags and those who do not.
Me personally, I try my best to pack every single thing I need inside of my carry-on luggage + personal item bag. This is mainly because, well, a few reasons: 1. Baggage Claim is slower than a red light in the hood at 3am; 2. if the airline loses my checked luggage, I'm going to Emmy award cry and use it as an excuse to live on the edge at the nearest designer store; and lastly, 3. because I get separation anxiety when parting ways with any of my sh*, prior to my destination.
But for the girlies who need options; can't leave home without bringing backups (plans b, c, and d); or even simply going somewhere for an extended time, checking your bag is a must.
No judgement to the prepared and organized Slay Queens. Yaaas, darlings - work them looks!
This is for you. When checking bags or luggages, pay attention to these Do's & Don'ts.
- Check laptops, tablets, or any electronics that has sensitive information or that you care about potentially being stolen or broken (due to mishandling of bag)
- Forget important essentials inside of your checked bag - like medication(s), currency/credit cards, passport(s) and/or other identification cards
- Check anything that could upgrade your travel experience or that you may need inflight - like a travel blanket &/or a light jacket (bring one or the other; more than likely it will be cold inflight)
- Check designer bags - unless you don't mind your bag handled with an unnecessary amount of aggression
- Attempt to carry more than 2 bags on board - It’s an FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) regulation for passengers to carry only two items onboard. If you bring onboard your carry-on bag + luggage... + a small purse, that means you have three carry-on items and are violating the FAA rule of only carrying two. The gate agent or flight attendant may stop you and ask that you either consolidate to two or check one of the three, FYI
- If you have space in your carry-on, pack at minimum, an extra pair of panties. And if you have a little more space, pack a 1 piece bodysuit/outfit (to minimize the space it takes up) just in case checked luggage gets lost or arrive late, you can at least have something to change to once you arrive and get situated
- Be sure the airline gives you some sort of bag tag (like a receipt) in case you need to track your bag(s) later
- Take out your overflow rollup bag, just in case you need more space for food or the additional outfit (see tip 1 of the DO list)
- If your luggage is a light color or you just want to keep your luggage clean & pristine, invest in a luggage cover to put over the luggage(s) that will be checked
Message about designer dupes:
** If you have a knock-off designer bag, & it gets checked—coming back to the U.S., your bag just might get ripped, cut, damaged (or even confiscated) — on purpose.
This has to do with intellectual property—if a brand trademarks their logo or something like their design, that a knock-off is copying, then the company also records their trademark with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the recording of the trademark actually “helps CBP detain and seize imported goods if they violate [the] recorded trademark.” -uspto Recording your trademark registration with U.S. Customs and Border Protection
What type of traveler are you? Are you checking in a bag or two? Or are you team Carry-on-Only? Comment below.